
To ensure the security and maintenance of the learning platforms we support, the Learning Platforms team adheres to various policies and procedures, including implementation of integrations, and archiving of course materials.

Learning Management System Integration Requests

The integration workflow and approval process required to integrate a third party tool within the University's Learning Management System (LMS) Blackboard.

Overview of the support and request process

  • Step 1: Submit a UMIT Governance Demand Request for Evaluation
  • Step 2: Upon approval, the Learning Platforms team will work with the requester and vendors to schedule the integration into our staging environment. 
  • Step 3: The requesting party will review the integration, upon approval the integration will be promoted to our production environments.

Access Procedure


The 2024-2025 Learning Management System (LMS) Evaluation Initiative aims to assess a potential transition to a new teaching and learning technology platform. As a result, between May 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025, any requests for third-party integrations, data extraction, or customization will require additional approval. This measure is in place to ensure the continued support of existing integrations and efficient operation of multiple LMS experiences during this evaluation period.

Learning Management System Course Data Retention, Archiving, and Deletion

This procedure establishes guidelines for University of Miami's retention rules for courses being stored in University of Miami's Blackboard Learning Management Systems.

Access Procedure

